
Malaysian Airlines, and the Malaysian Government, you have greatly disappointed and failed firstly the missing people, their family member, and all members of the public who are deeply concerned.

I am not going to criticise your serach and rescue mission because I do not know anything about such operations and the time it will require and continue to require for full investigation to be carried out.

What I want to draw your attention to, is your handicap in providing timely information an disclosure of your progress in the mission of search and rescue. It is not enough to just say that you have deployed machines and men into the effort, it is an international standard to update every certain period of time. If you can’t do this, there are fleets of reporters and journalist and photographers who will help you, if you only let them.

This action of information control does not reflect your Crisis Response Committee as being shrewd, it only accentuates the implication that you, and i mean , you Mr Najib Razak, that you are witholding information on whatever levels. And truthfully, this is not how you do things, especially when something so tragic has been made public and has affected everybody’s emotions, and our thinking brains.

You cannot simply say that your Disaster Command is in charge and therefore it is not in your position to know and to make comments and to participate in their effort. It is YOUR responsibility to keep the WORLD abreast on your progress, simply because people from different natonalities are involved in the disappearance, and they too… are worried. You cannot simply say that you are continuing search and that there is no information yet. You need to tell us your plans, you need to tell us how you plan to execute your rescue mission according to a timeline, you need to tell us why you think this plan would work, you need to show us pictures, you need to tell us who is in charge of the whole operations. You need to tell us what is the weather/wave condition now at the site of suspected crash. These are all VERY BASIC information that people NEED to know. You CANNOT withold it from especially us Malaysians. This is not best practice for disaster management.

You breed suspicion, you breed imaginative hypothesizing, you breed contempt for you and your Crisis Response Comittee, you breed anxiety, you breed mysticism unnecessarily with your action of silence. Don’t blame the world for being concerned and pressing for information, blame yourself for not being transparent and accountable to world media.

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